We need to build another world now! For that, those who are working in agriculture, forestry, industry and services need to come together, in order to promote a system change which includes all movements and social actors.Because if we want to have peace we need system change – not climate change!
Therefore the International Council has agreed to organize several evening panels during WSF in Nepal to promote this convergence. This activity address Peace, food sovereignty and climate justice. One of the main hybrid panels will be arranged in Nepal on the 16th of February, 2024 at 18h local time under the title:
In the last years the multiple crises have deepened worldwide. Nearly all the State prone and market-oriented powers including international Institutions like the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, and Russia
have by action or lack of action drowned the world into a sea of bloody wars, economic and ecological disasters and neocolonial injustices.
The only possibility left to tackle this disaster is a worldwide rural and urban mobilization of the civil society on all continents and all fields of action, fighting for peace and justice in every community, municipality and city of the world. For this it is necessary to produce not only a unity on the conceptual level, but also a convergence of as many social and ecological movements possible, around a plan of actions
which establishes clear priorities.
This panel discussion pursues the purpose of having an open discussion about these priorities in a
consensually established time frame starting with Peace as a necessary condition for social, political
and environmental justice and Justice as a necessary condition for Peace.
The invited speakers are from the following movements and countries:
● Tord Björk, International Peace Bureau council (Sweden)
● Patricia Pol, Attac France
● Guadalupe Ponce, feminist, Foro Mesoamericano (Mexico)
● Ashish Kothari, Global Tapestry of Alternatives (India)
The preparations
To make the participation in the discussions as broad as possible a concept paper is prepared by the initiators calling for a gathering of as many relevant movements possible. With the help of speakers and their organizations, on the last day of the WSF the World Assembly for Struggles and Resistancess of WSF will start an online discussion process.
VenueNepal Tourism Board (06:00 pm - 08:00 pm)
Cultural activityNo
Duration120 Minutes
Get in touchLeo Gabriel
Modalityphysical and virtual
LanguageSpanish , English , French
Other LanguageN/A
Contact Whatsapp
Contact Email
Modality Link
Name:International Peace Bureau (IPB)
Name:Friends of Earth Sweden
Economic Inequalities and Economic Justice
Land, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Agro - Ecology. Energy and Natural Resources
Peace, Conflict, War, Occupations, Displacements, and Security
Nobody can doubt any longer that the multiple crises have deepened worldwide. Superpowers and market-oriented international Institutions like the NATO, the European Union, Russia, and the United States as well as the World Economic Forum have drowned the world into a cacophony of competitive hate speeches and sea of bloody wars, economic and ecological disasters and neocolonial injustices.
The majority of the world population are in one way or another suffering the consequences of these disastrous policies. Cost of living crisis effects most rural and urban people in the world. Social and democratic rights are under attack. Global warming, loss of biological diversity, lack of water and other environmental destruction affects us all. We, the undersigned organizations of the “Assembly of struggles and resistances of the World Social Forum” have decided to act on a global scale in order to counteract by peaceful means the imperial and neocolonial ambitions of the increasingly authoritarian governments.
Because PEACE is not only the absence of wars between nations, but also the repression of universally guaranteed Human Rights like the freedom of speech, human dignity and a livable environment to protect future generations. There is an escalation of tensions going on between states and power blocs leading to a militarization of politics in nearly all fields. What we need instead is peaceful coexistence, disarmament and constructive solutions for social and ecological concerns locally, nationally and between nations.
The only possibility left to tackle with this disaster is a worldwide mobilization of the civil society on all continents and all fields of action. We need both resistance and fighting for alternatives to bring about peace and justice. We need this in every rural community, municipality and city of the world. For this it is necessary to produce not only a unity on the conceptual level, but also a CONVERGENCE of as many social and ecological movements possible, around a common plan of action which establishes clear priorities for our struggles in the near future.
That’s why the preparatory Committee of the “Assembly of struggles and resistances of the World Social Forum” has decided to open the floor to all organizations in the framework of the upcoming World Social Forum in Kathmandu, Nepal. The proposals submitted to this Assembly should be concrete, action oriented and open to all social and ecological movements of the world on a global level.
Please write your suggestions for a common Declaration as well es for the Common Action Plan (CAP) to the following email address:
For the Preparatory Committee
of the “Assembly of struggles and resistances of the World Social Forum”